Luca Bellon التطبيقات

Fast Image Downloader 1.1
Luca Bellon
Save shareable images with one click!1) Share image2) Select 'Fast Image Downloader'3) The image will be saved in directory 'Fast Image Downloader'This app is not shown because it would be useless, only appearswhen you share an image from another app. That is its purpose.1 star = you are an idiot
Sergente Hartman 1.6
Luca Bellon
Nel campo di addestramento dei Marine diParris Island, nella Carolina del Sud, diciassette giovani civilivengono addestrati duramente alla guerra. Il severissimo sergenteistruttore Hartman tratta le reclute come animali con l'obiettivodi trasformarli in perfetti strumenti di morte. Obbliga i Marine adamare visceralmente il proprio fucile secondo i dettami del credodel fuciliere e li appella con soprannomi spesso ignobili. Untributo al sergente più cattivo e spassoso della storia del cinema(Full Metal Jacket 1987).Disponibile anche su Windows Phone 7: Marine boot campParris Island, South Carolina, seventeen young civilians aretrained hard for war. The strict drill sergeant Hartman is recruitslike animals with the aim of turning them into perfect instrumentsof death. Obliges Marine viscerally to love your gun according tothe dictates of the creed of the rifleman and calls them bynicknames often ignoble. A tribute to Sergeant meaner and hilariousfilm history (Full Metal Jacket 1987).Also available on Windows Phone 7:
Roll the dice 1.1
Luca Bellon
Shake your Android to roll the dice!